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Old albums, sepia photographs, I see
When the world looked young and the joys were fresh
Locked within these lonely confines, how do I flee?

My soul, in turmoil, binds me in a strong mesh
Memories swarm, of love so pure, of happy times
When the world looked young and the joys were fresh.

“She’s a goner, she is mad,” the refrain chimes
Let me out, I want to live, my heart bleeds sore
Memories swarm, of love so pure, of happy times.

He wronged me; his nemesis I wrote in gore
They saw his open wound, none noticed my raw scar
Let me out, I want to live, my heart bleeds sore.

“She’s a lunatic” screamed the verdict bizarre
“I was violated,” I pleaded with the judge
They saw his open wound, none noticed my raw scar.

Family and friends left, with a look and a nudge
Barring Mom, no one spoke of setting me free
“I was violated,” I pleaded with the judge
Locked within these lonely confines, how do I flee?


First published on Penmancy based on the prompt Terzanelle:






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