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#coloursofpride   #Poattic23  #ArtoonsInnPoetryParlour (June, 2023)

Orange, Green and Yellow, the holy shades of faith
Thrust upon my rebel self, nearly stifling it to death.
“She’s the bride,” they warned, “drape her in gold and red!”
The groom smiled kindly at me…I cowered in dread.

Far from the clamorous crowd, I spotted a figure demure,
Her lidded orbs cloaked her pain, my heart throbbed for her.
Tired of her lavender marriage, she dared to expose the travesty
Purple welts flecked her flesh – a reward for her honesty.

She is not manly, neither am I woman-like,
We both bake a muffin, we both love to hike.
That is how we are, it’s not something we choose
With all her frailty and fortitude, she still remains my muse.

I step down from the altar, I no longer need to hide
It’s time to own up my truth – my identity is my Pride.
A woman who loves a girl – that is how the Lord shaped me
I refuse to be hunted and hounded….we both want to breathe free!

Our love is pure, our love is blind, it sees no race nor form
It braces us from within, to weather every storm.
And while the skies are still grey, our hearts are all aglow
Lambent with the hope and warmth of a multi-hued Rainbow!

P.C. Norbu Gyachung on Unsplash

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