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Lakshmi Ajoy’s debut offering may be best described as a journey through her soul and a manual of personal healing for anybody who wishes to avail it.

The author has delved deep into the human psycho-physiological framework and identified the common issues that plague us – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Armed with her long years of learning and practice, Lakshmi has laid down detailed ways and means of Self-care, Self-love and Self-preservation.

The author has often cited incidents of major physical and psychological issues that she faced in her own life. Thereafter, she has narrated how she tided over them with her understanding of the Body-Mind connect, and a strict regimen involving NLP practices, accurate breathing techniques, positive reaffirmation, the TOTE process, and many more such uplifting methods. The small and simple tips that she has offered will go a long way to enhance our overall well-being.

Here, it may be necessary to mention that a staunch belief and confidence in such alternate methods of treatment, would be a fundamental pre-requisite while battling chronic physical ailments. A prudent, balanced, and well-researched approach is advisable in cases of life-threatening diseases.

The graphics, charts and statistics are extremely helpful for gauging our various emotional and physical parameters. They make one ponder, debate, smile and commiserate, all at the same time. It is evident that a lot of effort and research have gone into this penning.

In conclusion, I would like to thank the author for the generous dose of positivity that she has gifted us through this book.


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